Setra uses its own biofuels to generate heat at its facilities and also produces district heating to the local community.The main use of bioproducts is as a raw material for the pulp and paper industry.

Renewable energy from the sawmills
The wood industry makes use of the whole log. Setra’s products include sawdust, bark and wood chips that are converted into, among other things, bioenergy with community benefits.
Sawdust is used as biofuel in heating plants and as a raw material for pellets. Setra’s part-owned company Pyrocell also processes the sawdust into pyrolysis oil (bio-oil) for biofuel production.
Bark is primarily used as a biofuel, either in pure form or in fuel mixes.
Dry chips
Dry chips are pieces cut from dried wood. The low moisture content makes these wood chips a high-value fuel for boilers, heating plants and grain dryers.
Fuel mix
The mix is tailored to the customer’s needs and based on bark, dry chips and wet shavings.
Pellets of the future
Setra is building its own production facility for industrial pellets. The raw material will be the best possible – dry chips and sawdust/shavings from glulam, CLT and component production in Långshyttan.
Setra’s production units are PEFC and FSC® certified and can therefore offer certified wood products and bioproducts. The biofuels have a sustainability certificate from the Swedish Energy Agency, which means they are classed as sustainable.
Published: 2024-01-16