Several forest fires in Sweden and area of Setra Färila

Several forest fires are burning in the area of Färila. So far, the fires have been about two miles from Setra's sawmill. Firefighters are tackling the wildfires by aircraft, helicopters and field personnel.

So far the wind has been weak and blown away from the sawmill. At the moment, there is no risk that the fires will reach Setra's sawmill in Färila. But the situation can change rapidly if the wind, for example, increases in strength or change direction. 

- To the south of the sawmill there is a firepath due to highway 84. In the north there is the river Ljusnan and to the east is Setra's timber store, which is richly watered. There is a local emergency plan if the fires should come close to the sawmill, "says Mattias Forslund, location manager Setra Färila.

 The forest fires are located in the sawmill's catchment area, it is highly likely that it will affect production in the near future.

Published: 2018-07-27

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