Raw Materials

Raw Materials

Setra's production consists of the raw materials from spruce and pine, which are further processed into various wood products at our sawmills and processing units.

All timber comes from responsibly managed forests and meets controlled raw materials requirements.

Setra doesn't own any forest

All of Setra's timber is purchased. In a year we purchase about 3.5 million cubic meters, of which half is pine and half spruce.

In 2022 we only purchased from Swedish suppliers. Much of the raw material comes from our owners, Sveaskog and Mellanskog.

Catchment Area

The timber is often of local or regional origin. Our catchment area is normally within a radius of about 130 km from the sawmills.

The majority of our purchased timber arrives at the sawmills by road, while a small share is transported by rail. Train deliveries are set to gradually increase as more of Setra's units gain access to more efficient rail solutions.

Raw Materials from Responsibly Managed Forests

One of Setra's most important sustainability aspects is that the raw material comes from responsibly managed forests. With harvesting comes a responsibility to manage the forest in a way that considers the conservation values of the forests and surrounding nature.

We only use raw material from suppliers that are certified by FSC® or PEFC™, the world's largest forest management certification systems with standards of forest management and traceability (Chain of Custody). All the timber Setra buys is certified or controlled y a certified supplier.

Setra's sawmills and processing units are certified according to PEFC™ and FSC® Chain of Custody standards and according to the FSC standard for controlled wood. With a Chain of Custody certificate, we can show that the wood comes from responsibly managed forests and has a controlled origin, it is the link between the certified forest and the certified end product.

The timber which is not certified is checked and fulfills the requirements of the FSC® Controlled Wood and PEFC™ Controlled Sources. It also meets the requirements of the European Timber Regulation.

Basic Criteria for Setra's Timber

The minimum requirement for all timber is that the origin is traceable and meets the following basic criteria. The criteria are described in Setra's raw material policy which states that Setra does not accept:

  • Illegally harvested wood
  • Wood from forests in areas with serious social conflicts
  • Wood from forests of high conservation value (as defined by the Swedish Forest Agency).
  • Wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.
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