
Setra makes major investment in Bergslagen to expand drying capacity at the sawmills in Heby and Hasselfors

Setra is expanding drying capacity at Heby and Hasselfors – a decision taken by the Board of the wood products company at its latest meeting.     “The investment is part of the development strategy for Setra in Bergslagen,” explains Setra’s CEO Katarina Levin.

The investment in both high-capacity drying kilns totals SEK 100 million.

“The new drying kilns will enable us to improve value optimisation and boost efficiency, which will strengthen Setra’s competitiveness,” says Jonas Fintling, Mill Manager Setra Hasselfors.

Setra Heby’s Mill Manager Jan-Erik Vik agrees, adding that the investment will also improve the work environment in Heby, as it will mean replacing some of the older equipment.

The increase in drying capacity at the sawmills in Heby and Hasselfors is an important element in the ongoing development of Setra’s operations in Bergslagen. Earlier this year, the decision was taken to invest in a new saw line in Skinnskatteberg, and last year a new rip saw was installed at the sawmill in Nyby.

“Setra is investing heavily in greater refinement of wood at resource-efficient production units in the Bergslagen area. This is positive from a sustainability perspective, as it helps to lower the climate footprint of our production and to ensure that we manufacture greener and more climate-smart products,” says Katarina Levin.

Examples of investments include CLT and components at Setra’s new factory in Långshyttan, planed construction timber from the new trimming and planing plant in Hasselfors and new x-ray technology in Kastet, Nyby and Skinnskatteberg. In total, Setra has invested more than SEK 1 billion in Bergslagen over the past four years.

Another example of green investment is the company Pyrocell, which Setra owns jointly with Preem. Pyrocell manufactures bio-oil from sawdust. The bio-oil is then used as a renewable raw material at Preem’s refinery in Lysekil, where it is mixed with petrol and diesel. Pyrocell’s facility is integrated with Setra Kastet in Gävle. Together, Setra and Preem have invested over SEK 400 million in this exciting venture.


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